
Edito LS no 3

La santé « est un état de complet bien-être physique, mental et social et ne consiste pas seulement en une absence de maladie ou d’infirmité. »1 Depuis cette affirmation datant de 1946, la santé a été consacrée, deux ans plus tard, comme un droit humain dont les États sont les garants, en tant que droit individuel et…

La mécanique d’Al Omran

La mécanique d’Al Omran

D’Al Omran au Développement Lorsque des humains se rassemblent sur un territoire donné et coopèrent économiquement, ils génèrent une dynamique de prospérité collective qui se traduit par al ômran. Cette dynamique constitue la base du système collectif de subsistance, un ensemble de fonctions pour optimiser le partage de ressources, l’échange, la coopération et ainsi augmenter…

Marielle Franco: a vivid legacy for the struggles on social justice

Marielle Franco: a vivid legacy for the struggles on social justice

In Lendemains Solidaires’ 2nd issue we had covered Marielle Franco’s story of struggle in the context of rising racism and repression against social movements in Brasil. In addition to being a top-notch Brazilian politician fighting at the frontline for several social causes, Marielle Franco personalised and represented the most excluded and violated segments of Brazilian…

Is a Livable Future Still Possible? Chomsky and Pollin Discuss the IPCC Report

Is a Livable Future Still Possible? Chomsky and Pollin Discuss the IPCC Report

The report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shows how capitalism undergirds the climate crisis. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released a new climate report which updates and combines the findings from all past reports in the IPCC’s sixth assessment. The synthesis report urges immediate action to curb global…

Oxfam Slams Rich Nations for Artificially Inflating Their Global Climate Funding

Oxfam Slams Rich Nations for Artificially Inflating Their Global Climate Funding

Low- and middle -income nations will need an additional $27.4 trillion at minimum by 2030 to fill in financing gaps. With global finance leaders set to gather in Washington, D.C. this week for the spring meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, Oxfam is warning rich countries against using accounting gimmicks to artificially…

Face à l’usage abusif du concept de société civile

Face à l’usage abusif du concept de société civile

Face à l’usage abusif du concept de société civile, le nouveau livre du Dr Kamel Mohanna Ou comment faire la distinction entre les organisations qui œuvrent pour le bien du pays et les chasseurs de « fausse gloire » ? Réflexion approfondie sur l’émergence et le développement de la société civile au Liban à la…

Inês Faria on Crypto as Ritual and Religion

Inês Faria on Crypto as Ritual and Religion

Technical mastery has long been part of religious or spiritual awe, as well as a means to create or strengthen power relations… Bitcoin and all the aura surrounding its creation had this same characteristic. Read the full article on The crypto syllabus You will find more information on populism, racism and neo-fascism in Lendemains solidaires…

Total’s Congo offsetting project ‘snatched our land’

Total’s Congo offsetting project ‘snatched our land’

Farmers say oil giant’s tree-planting scheme has barred them from their fields and threatens livelihoods This spring, when Pulchérie Amboula went to plant crops on her land, she was chased away by men in trucks.  “As soon as they see the tractor, there is a Hilux vehicle which starts following behind,” she says. “We no…

The banks collapsed in 2008 – and our food system is about to do the same

The banks collapsed in 2008 – and our food system is about to do the same

Massive food producers hold too much power – and the regulators scarcely understand what is happening. Sound familiar? For the past few years, scientists have been frantically sounding an alarm that governments refuse to hear: the global food system is beginning to look like the global financial system in the run-up to 2008. While financial…