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Total’s Congo offsetting project ‘snatched our land’
Farmers say oil giant’s tree-planting scheme has barred them from their fields and threatens livelihoods This spring, when Pulchérie Amboula went to plant crops on her land, she was chased away by men in trucks. “As soon as they see the tractor, there is a Hilux vehicle which starts following behind,” she says. “We no…
Una respuesta sindical ante el racismo y la represión
El racismo y la discriminación se han dado en casi todas las etapas por las que ha ido evolucionando la sociedad pero, vamos a centrarnos en uno de los brotes más grandes que se han ocasionado en Andalucía el cual, ha desatado el racismo en este territorio y hadesencadenado una lucha titánica para combatirlo por…
India: The People’s Response to Neoliberal Nationalism
Interview with Shalmali Guttal, Executive Director of the Focus on the Global South, Thailand. Given the scale of the mass protests since September 2020 and a resounding convergence between social movements on a national scale, the Hindu supremacist government of Narendra Modi was forced to repeal its agriculture sector reforms at the end of 2021….
Agenda 2030 Between the Ideology of Progress and the Reality of Poverty and Exploitation
Adopted in 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development promises to eliminate poverty and promote sustainable development, peace, and prosperity for all by 2030. The Agenda introduced 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), establishing a framework of targets and indicators for their measurement, monitoring and implementation. By repeatedly stressing the idea of ‘tracking progress’ towards each…
Le droit à la ville dans le système onusien
Les mouvements sociaux définissent le droit à la ville comme « le droit de tous les habitants, présents et futurs, permanents et temporaires, d’habiter, d’utiliser, d’occuper, de produire, de gouverner et de disposer de villes, villages et établissements humains justes, inclusifs, sûrs et durables, définis comme des biens essentiels à une vie pleine et décente. »1. Le droit à la ville n’est pas consacré en tant que tel dans les instruments internationaux de droit humain, il s’agit plutôt d’un ensemble de droits et de libertés à destination des citadins et villageois : droit à un logement convenable, droit à un environnement sain, droit à la participation à la prise de décision, liberté de circulation, etc.
Commodifying War: The Political Economy of Disaster Capitalism in Ukraine and Beyond
As the war is ongoing in Ukraine decisions are already being made on the reconstruction and recovery process. The approach used is firmly rooted in the neoliberal assumption that the foundation for peace and development, both within and between states, is market democracy and that the solution lies in “leveraging private capital”. But this is…